In this section we have provided links to a variety of useful resources for clubs and associations:


Tournament Planner is now the standard tournament management software for TTNZ rated tournaments.

Tournament Planner Website: CLICK HERE

Guidebook for Tournament Planner & League Planner  CLICK HERE

 Tutorial video to instruct tournament managers on Tournament Planner use: View it here


Sport NZ Event Risk Management Templates (for download)

Worksafe Health & Safety Guide


ITTF Administration Course

ITTF Education Courses

FUN GAMES There are many fun ways to play Table Tennis including: Team Contest - Changing Players. A player from each team start the match. After five points you don’t just change serves – you also change players. The next two players play the next five points, and so on to 21.Play best of three, best of five, or best of seven, or best of anything. It doesn’t matter how many players there are in a team. It works whether you’ve got two, or ten, or any number.Variation options:

  • Change serves every point if you want to ensure each player has an even balance of serves and receives.
  • Re-draw the order of play after every player has had one turn at the table if you want to avoid the same two players playing against each other every time they play.Have each pair of players play more than five points (say 10, 20), and play each game to higher total (eg 51, 101).
  • This variant of the traditional team event has obvious advantages. It would make a more genuine team contest, and the rest of the team would always be on hand for support, instead of wandering away and having to be called back when they’re on.

It might even catch on at a more serious level. They’ve always done it in lawn and indoor bowls, Athletics, swimming and relay races.Club Night Matches Up and Down the Table - A way of organising games on club nights is:

  • Using a Blackboard (or a Whiteboard), draw columns allowing one for each table. (Show table number at top).
  • Start the session by writing each players name in a column to play someone else, ensuring that levels of play are spread across the tables.
  • As more players arrive, simply add to a column with the least players, continuing to mix the standard of players.
  • Play matches as desired - best of 3, one to 21 up, 31 up etc.
  • The winners move up a table and the losers go down a table.
  • Winners on first table remain there and losers on last table remain there.
  • As the evening progresses the players gradually sort themselves into their level of play.
  • This method ensures lower graded players play against better players, but the later also reach their own levels as the evening progresses.

Relay RacesTeams start on one side of the hall.

  • Select a stroke, eg backhand push.
  • At the signal "go" one member of each team runs to the table; drops the ball on the table and with the selected stroke plays the ball over the net and catches it after it has bounced; runs to the far wall; touches it; repeats the same stroke on the way back to the team.
  • The second player then does the same until one team uses up all its players.If a player misses the shot or fails to catch the ball he/she plays the shot again.

Organising this with large numbers of juniors, you will need ear protection.Tennis DoublesAs ordinary doubles but instead of alternating the striking of the ball, players may only play the ball that lands on their side of the centre line. Balls landing right on the line can be hit by either player but prior agreement on who should take them will minimise collisions, heated argument and opposition mirth.Crazy BatsMINI-BATS

  • Can be any size but 12 ½ cm from top of bat to end of handle is suggested. The covered part of the blade should be 5 ½ cm long and the handle 7 cm.
  • Collect old bats, remove the rubber and cut down to the above size. Collect old sponge rubbers that players discard and recover your creation.
  • Easier to play with than you’d think.​​​​​​​


  • Cut a hole of approx 5 ½ cm in diameter in the centre of a cheap pimple-covered bat.
  • Great for a laugh. Variant: score a bonus point if you can make the ball pass cleanly through the hole in your bat.