Level One Umpire:

In preparation for the on-line test paper download and read carefully the ITTF Laws  HERE and Regulations HERE 

This is an open book test and you may refer to the Laws and Regulations to answer the questions.


Level Two Umpire:

The Level 2 qualification is a combination of theory, practical and oral tests.  

A candidate may choose to undertake this level without first achieving Level 1.  The same advice given for Level 1 applies to all who attempt this level.  Download the Laws and Regulations as well as the Handbook for Match Officials and read through several times before taking the online exam.  Level 2 theory is Open Book so you may have access to the written material downloaded to identify the correct answers.  Approach each question with caution and do not just rely on what you think you know when selecting the answer.  It will be helpful to identify the Law or Regulation which is relevant to your answer and the research required will assist in remembering each of them.

Once your theory exam has been marked and you achieve the 85% pass mark or better you will be advised of an assessor who will conduct your Oral test.  Any incorrect answers will be explained so you do not continue to carry a misapprehension of any Law or Regulation  forward. The Oral test is not Open Book and the pass mark is 80%.

The final portion of the Level 2 qualification process is a practical assessment which will be conducted at an event selected by your assigned assessor as soon as practicable.  The Oral may be conducted at a tournament at which both you and a delegated evaluator attend whereupon you will have the opportunity to immediately showcase your umpiring skills at the table of an assigned match.  You will be provided with a copy of the  assessment schedule so that you are fully aware of what the evaluator will be expecting to see.  

Successfully meeting all these benchmarks will see you awarded your Level 2 qualification.

Level Three Umpire:

Candidates for Level 3 will be experienced umpires with the Level 2 qualification.  There is no particular period of time required to become eligible for the Level 3 examination process although it is likely that it may take up to two years to attend sufficient events to achieve real competency and confidence.  Active participation at tournaments is a requirement and demonstration of good "at the table" skills is essential.

The Level 3 qualification process is the same as for Level 2, but the theory exam is a supervised test and is not Open Book, the pass mark is 80%.  There is a time limit for the theory exam and the Oral test may be undertaken after the theory pass mark of 80% is achieved.

The practical assessment will be made at a tournament where matches will be allocated to you for evaluation.   You will be provided with a copy of the  assessment schedule so that you are fully aware of what the evaluator will be expecting to see.

Successfully meeting all these benchmarks will see you awarded your Level 3 qualification.

2014 World Veterans Officials Team in Auckland